DELSU 9th Convocation Ceremony Schedule of Events

 Delta State University, DELSU 9th Convocation Ceremony designed for 2013/2014 graduands programme of events.
Authorities of Delta State University (DELSU) hereby notified  all 2013/2014 graduands, (Regular, Sandwich, ISLT and Weekend/Part-Time), their parents/guardians and the general public that the 9th Convocation Ceremony of the university for the Conferment of Higher Degrees, First Degrees, Diplomas and Award of Prizes has been scheduled to hold on Saturday, 2nd May, 2015.
Thursday, 23rd April – Thursday, 30th April, 2015
  • Collection of Academic gowns Convocation brochures and scroll by Graduands
  •  Time:   9.00 am – 4.00 pm each day
  • Venue: Faculty Offices, Site II and Site III, Abraka
  Special Events
Friday, 24th April, 2015
  • Jumat Service
  • Time:   12.00 noon
  • Venue: Prayer Ground, Site III, Abraka
Sunday, 26th April, 2015
  • Interdenominational Church Service
  • Time:   10.00 am
  • Venue: Our Saviour Chapel, Site II, Abraka
Thursday, 30th April, 2015
1. Convocation Exhibition (Organised by the Department of Fine and Applied Arts)
  • Time:   10.00 a.m
  • Venue: Library Dome, Site II, Abraka
 2. Convocation Lecture to be delivered by  Professor Samuel Oye Bandele, Visiting Professor, OAU, Ile-Ife
  •  Topic:  Catalystic Metamorphosis of the Nigeria University Education: Emerging issues to State owned Universities  
  •             Time:   1.00 pm
  •             Venue: 750 Lecture Hall, Site III, Delta State University
3. Convocation Drama (Organised by the Department of Theatre Arts)
Venue: ATSCAN Hall, Site II, Abraka
Saturday, 2nd May, 2015
1. Commissioning of Projects
  • Senate/Council Chamber
  • Postgraduate Students Hostel
  • Faculty of Education
  • Internal Roads
2. Conferment of Higher Degrees, First Degrees, Diploma and Award of Prizes.
  • Time:   10.00 am
  • Venue: University Convocation Arena, Site III, Abraka.
All graduands are expected to pay the sum of N2, 500.00 (Two Thousand, Five Hundred Naira) only for brochure. (order of proceeding)
 Academic outfits are available for hire in the Faculty Offices.
The cost of hiring academic outfits is indicated hereunder.
  • Diploma Graduands are to pay the sum of Three Thousand Naira (N3,000.00), PLUS Refundable Deposit of Seven Thousand Naira (N7,000.00) for Gown and Scroll.
  • First Degree Graduands are to pay the sum of Three Thousand Naira (N3,000.00), PLUS Refundable Deposit of Seven Thousand Naira (N7,000.00) for Gown and Scroll.

  • Higher Degree Graduands are expected to purchase academic gowns as indicated below:
Category of Gown
Ph.D gown                                    N30,000
Masters gown                                 N25,000

All payments must be made through the University Account
Mainstreet Bank (and receipt issued by the Bursary Department on presentation of Bank Teller)
  • Alumni Fees:
Alumni fee of N2000.00 is to be paid by all Graduands through DELSU Alumni Account No 0742001706 Ecobank
NOTE: Graduands for the first time in the history of DELSU will collect their original certificate during the convocation ceremony. Furthermore, graduands wishing to collect Academic gowns and their original certificates are to deposit the original of their statements of results/certificates (as applicable) in the Faculty Office. These would be returned to their rightful owners on return of the gowns in good condition not later than Thursday, May 5, 2015.
Every graduand will be entitled to two guests. Invitation cards for such guests will be collected along with Academic gown, brochure and scroll in the Faculty Offices. Graduands and their guests are expected to take their seats on the convocation day not later than 9.00am.

Further information can be obtained from the Office of the Deputy Registrar (Senate).

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