9 tips to avoid falling asleep on job

A lack of sleep is like being drunk on the job which is probably more detrimental to your productivity than actually taking a quick nap break during your work hours. If you need to get away with sleeping on the job, here are a few ways to do it.

1. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. By sticking to healthy food during breakfast, you can expect a more alert mind and body throughout the entire day.

2. Lighter lunches: No, it’s not the position of the sun in the afternoon. Neither is it the absence of the moon. Yes, afternoons may bring with them that lulling warmth but that heavy meal you wolfed down at lunchtime is all to blame for your drowsiness. The best way to keep lunch light is to snack on veggies and fruits throughout the day.

3. Drink a lot of water: Well, in the workplace, dozing off could be the end of your career. Drinking lot of water means visiting the toilet often but flush that drowsy feeling with a good dose of fluids.

4. Making melodies: Listening to nice and cool music during office hours could help you get away with sleep but keep the sound low so you don’t disturb your colleagues. But before you get too excited about creating your own playlist, check first with your Human Resources department or safety coordinator if you’re allowed to listen to music while working.

5 . Air in your head: Going outside might help you fight the urge to sleep. Don’t just plant yourself in your workstation or stay cooped inside a warehouse or confined space all day. Get out and get some fresh air. This should stimulate better blood circulation, making you feel more awake and even healthier.

6 . That minty feeling: If fresh air doesn’t combat sleepiness, you might actually need fresher breath. Yes, you read that right. By treating yourself to gum, mints, or hard candy, you can ward off sleep.

7. Skipping sugar: Stay away from snacks with high sugar content.While you think a sugar rush can keep you awake, its effect usually lasts for only half an hour.

8. Shooting yourself with caffeine: If mint in your mouth or a nutritious snack in your stomach just doesn’t do the trick, then maybe caffeine will. Whether it’s hot or cold, a generous serving of coffee should be able to keep you from dozing off on the job.

9. Have a good rest: While a lot of the tricks above might work well with you, the most effective trick is still the most practical and basic: get enough sleep every night. A good night’s sleep that lasts for seven to 10 hours is recommended for adults to stay alert during the day.

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